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Watch the most recent episode from The Mark Schulein Passion Project

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Mark holding a check between 2 men who all give a shaka
Mark Schulein


Hi there and welcome. This is Mark Schulein and this is my Passion Project.

I am super fired up to have this platform where I get to chat with really good people that do really good things for the world. These are people that inspire me as they have left their mark in the areas that they focus whether that be business, sport, leadership, contribution, community, and many other areas.


My goal is really to “connect the dots,” to have them tell their story. I want to know where they started; the path they’ve traveled and ultimately figure out how they got here… not just the location “here” but truly right frickin’ HERE in their life. I want to know what they’ve done and how they’ve done it. I want to dig deep into their stories and their path. You know… I’ve been told that High performers leave clues; so I’m looking for that secret sauce or their magic pixie dust that they’ve developed or used along their way so that, frankly, I can sprinkle some on my life. Finally, I love to talk to and learn from impressive, interesting people that do good things… that’s who these folks are. but even more… I love to listen to these people and hear their stories. And That’s what we’re going to do today. Thanks for being a part of my Passion Project. Let’s go.

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